Quick start guide

Welcome to io.finnet! 

We're so pleased to have you on board. Here is your comprehensive quick start guide designed to help you efficiently navigate and begin using the io.finnet platform.

If you haven't yet signed up for our self-custody product, io.vault, we encourage you to explore the plan options available here to discover the best fit for your business needs. Additionally if you'd like to get started with our Freemium solution, please complete the form here to get started. 

To register your interest in our 24/7 instant settlement platform, io.network, please reach out to our sales team. They will be happy to assist you with the onboarding process.

After you finish the onboarding process, please refer to the guides below to help you get started successfully.

To learn more about technology utilised by io.finnet, please see here

For common terms used throughout the io.finnet platform, please see our glossary here

  1. io.finnet Components
  2. Introduction to the io.finnet dashboard
  3. Account setup
  4. Vault management and transactions
  5. Network management
  6. Extensions and API integrations
  7. Reporting

io.finnet Components

There are two primary components to the io.finnet platform:

  • Web dashboard: Used for creating and managing an organisation's vaults and transactional activity, alongside functionalities such as adding or removing users, adding an API key, and accessing necessary support information
    • For io.network Principal Members the web dashboard is also used to view and manage all underlying client accounts. This also displays all transactional activity processed through the minting and burning functions
  • Mobile application: The mobile application enables each member of a vault signing party to efficiently review transactions and reshare requests. Users can easily approve or reject these requests and actively participate in the cryptographic signing process.

Learn how to get access to the web dashboard and register a signing device

Introduction to the io.finnet dashboard

The dashboard is designed with a user-friendly interface that includes the following key components.

Left menu

  • Vaults: create and manage your vaults
  • Transfer: to create a transaction
  • Address Book: allows you to link addresses to specific users, ensuring that you send funds to the correct recipient every time
  • Directory (io.network subscriptions only): list of all underlying clients authorized to transact on the network
  • Compliance (io.network Principal Member subscriptions only): allows for managing client profiles and setting trasaction thresholds
  • Reports (io.network Principal Member subscriptions only): shows the overall network activity
  • Apps: access apps such as Virtual Signer, WalletConnect and Exchange Connectivity. io.network Principal Members can also access the PM Network Management app where deploying facets, tokenization and onboarding takes place
  • Teams: 
    • My Team: ability to review individuals, add or remove from your organization
    • Invites: shows current individuals who have been invited to your organization, you can revoke or resend the invite here
  • Settings:
    • Governance: user permissions via collective approvals
    • API keys: an API key enables programmatic access to the io.finnet platform
      Security: export user and API authentication events for security analysis and monitoring
    • Billing (io.vault subscriptions only): manage your subscription, billing information and invoices

Bottom left corner

  • Help: To gain support from io.finnet
    • Ask chatbot
    • Raise a ticket
    • API Reference
    • Support Portal

Top right corner

  • WalletConnect: To connect your Vault to WalletConnect without needing to expose your private keys
  • Avatar dropdown menu: access your personal profile, support or sign out

Account setup

Vault management and transactions

Network management (io.network Principal Members subscriptions only)

Get more out of the io.finnet platform with our extensions and API integrations

  • Virtual Signer is a MPC application that enables secure server side signing of transactions for your vaults with custom approval & rejection logic
  • WalletConnect is an open protocol that allows users to connect their digital asset wallets to dApps on various blockchains without exposing their private keys, facilitating a more secure and user-friendly interaction with decentralized applications
  • Exchange Connectivity enables you to seamlessly link your Centralized Exchange (CEX) accounts to the io.finnet platform
  • The io.finnet API enables programmatic access and usage of the product


Need help?

Speak to our chatbot in the bottom right corner of this page, or visit our Support & Resources section which includes product release history and known issues, information on raising a support ticket with us, disaster recovery, supported blockchains and assets, best practices and frequently asked questions.