This article is relevant for Principal Member subscriptions only. |
- Management profile
- Compliance flags
- Blocking and unblocking a client
- How to access analytics reporting
The Compliance tab is a section dedicated to monitoring and managing compliance-related activities on the network. It typically includes tools for:
- User Profile Management: Reviewing alerts, analyzing transaction patterns, and identifying suspicious activities
- User Access Control: Options to block or unblock users based on compliance requirements.
- Profile History: Accessing a record of changes and updates made to user profiles
- Compliance Flags: Viewing details of alerts and status updates triggered by potential compliance issues
This tab helps ensure the network complies with regulatory standards and provides transparency in user activity monitoring.
The compliance dashboard home page consists of three separate views:
- Includes list of live clients organised alphabetically
- Includes five most recent flags and the associated details (sender, receiver, amount, rules broken, current status of the Compliance Flag)
Includes the “View All” CTA which allows Compliance users to view all Compliance Flags
Management Profile
Threshold Settings
To set up the transaction monitoring profile for an Underlying Client, follow the below process:
- Go to “Compliance” in the Left-hand menu
- On the “Compliance Dashboard”, click on the line with the Client Name for which you want to set up transaction monitoring
- The “Transaction Profile Information” page gives you details on the all the thresholds set for a specific client. You will be able to access the following sub-page:
- Analytics - For more details, see here
- Profile History
- Manage Profile
- Additionally, you can review flagged transactions, update their status based on your findings, ensuring a complete audit trail
- To configure the transaction monitoring thresholds, click "Manage Profile”
Then Click on “Threshold Settings” and set the thresholds for the following options:
Define the maximum allowed transactions within a 24-hour period
- Define the maximum allowed transactions over a 30-day period
- Set the maximum total volume of transactions permitted within a 24-hour period
- Set the maximum total volume of transactions allowed over a 30-day period
- Specify the maximum allowable size for any single transaction
- Click "Save" to apply the changes
Threshold Adjusting
To adjust a client's compliance thresholds, please follow the below process:
- Click on a client in the “Clients” table on the Compliance Dashboard
- Click on the “Manage Profile” button in the top right corner, and select the ‘Threshold Settings’ tab
- This will open a form which will show you the current implemented rules
- Edit one or all the rules as required. Before you edit at least one rule, the “Save” button will be disabled
- Click “Save”
Please note: if "Save" was unsuccessful for any reason, please refresh the page and fill out the form again.
Transaction Profile and Status History Log
To review amendments made to the transaction thresholds, please follow the below process:
- To access the transaction profile and status history log, select a client from the “Clients’ table on the dashboard homepage
- Click “Profile History” in the top right corner
- From this view you can review amendments made to the transaction thresholds, including date/timestamps, description of changes and editor, and block/unblock history
Compliance Flags
To review and manage recent compliance flags, please follow the below process:
Access the compliance flags by:
- The “Recent flags” table on the Compliance Dashboard. This allows you to view the 5 most recent flags across all underlying clients, or to“View all” Compliance flags;
- Or, select a client from the “Clients” table on the Compliance Dashboard to view the Compliance Flags for that client only
- Filter transactions by ‘Pending’, ‘Escalated’ or ‘Resolved’ as required
- Click the transaction to view more details
On the Transaction Alert Details sub-page, you will find the following information:
- Status: Displays the current status of the alert (Pending, Resolved, or Escalated)
- Alert Details: Indicates which threshold was breached
- TXID: The transaction ID for reference
- Transaction Details: Includes the names and addresses of both the sender and the recipient
- Status History (Audit Trail): A log of all status changes
After reviewing the flagged transaction and its reason, update the status using one of the following options:
- Pending: The alert is still under review
- Resolved: The issue has been addressed and no further action is needed
- Escalated: The alert requires additional investigation or intervention
Please note: For each transaction listed in the “Recent Flags” section, two separate entries will be recorded: one for the receiving leg and another for the sending leg of the transaction
Blocking and Unblocking a client
This section allows you to manage permissions for clients, such as blocking or unblocking their ability to transact on the network, ensuring control over user activity based on compliance and operational requirements.
To block or unblock an Underlying Client, follow the below process:
- Go to “Compliance” in the Left-hand menu
- On the “Compliance Dashboard”, click on the line with the Client Name you wish to block or unblock
- Click "Manage Profile" and then navigate to the sub-tab "User Access"
Click "Block" to prevent the client from transacting on the network
Please Note: By blocking a user, you will restrict their ability to make any transactions on the network
Please Note: You can add a memo to explain the reason for blocking or unblocking the user, ensuring a clear audit trail
Each user designated as a member of the Governance Vault signing party must approve the request on their device to proceed with the enable process
A request must be approved and completed within 10 minutes, after which the request will expire
- When returning to the Compliance page, under the Clients section, a small lock icon will appear next to the blocked user, indicating their locked status
- The same process applies for unblocking a user
Please note: After unblocking a user, it may take a few minutes for the changes to take effect
How to access analytics reporting
When you are wanting access more information about compliance analytics, there are two options;
- A client’s transactions that did not raise compliance flags;
- Overall compliance analytics across all clients and transactions
Please note: Any support required can be found here Compliance Analytics user guide or within the support area on the network dashboard homepage
Specific client transactions
- Select a client from the “Clients’ table on the compliance dashboard homepage
- Click “Analytics” in the top right corner
- From this view you can filter, review and export data as required.
Overall compliance client transactions
- Select “reports”’ on the network dashboard homepage
- Click “compliance analytics” from the options
- From this view you can filter, review and export data as required.