1. io.finnet Help Center
  2. Vault Management & Transactions

Creating and resharing a vault


Available for all io.vault and io.network subscriptions, except where otherwise stated.


  1. Creating a new vault
  2. Resharing a vault

Create a new vault

Please follow the below steps:

  1. On the web dashboard, navigate to the "Vaults" section on the left-hand side, then select "+New Vault" located in the top right-hand corner
  2. Specify a unique name for the vault and click “Next”. Once created the vault name cannot be changed

  3. Specify the vault threshold. This refers to the amount of signing power required to complete a transaction or reshare request. The vault threshold can be updated after creation, via a reshare

  4. Select the users who will be a member of the vault signing party, and specify the signing power to be allocated to each user's signing device..

    1. Signing power will determine the number of secret shares a user controls with their specified signer
    2. Please note : If you wish to participate in the signing process, ensure that you are added as a signer
    3. Please note : The user list will only show individuals who have  registered a signing device
  5. After selecting the signer(s), click on "review" to examine the details of the vault creation and the signing power allocated for this specific vault
  6. Click “Submit for Approval” to send the vault creation request or if you need to amend / update the details, click “edit”
  7. Once submitted, you can return to the dashboard by clicking on "dashboard" or track the progress of the vault creation by clicking on "Track progress"
  8. Each user specified as a member of the vault signing party must approve the request on their device and participate in the vault creation process

    A reshare request must be approved and completed within 10 minutes, after which the request will expire
  9. After successful completion, the vault will be viewable in the dashboard.

Please note

  • You can review the vaults details, including the threshold and signing party, by selecting your desired vault from the dashboard
  • A new vault request must be approved and completed within the 10 minute time-out limit
  • All signing party users required to approve the request must be online and logged in with their registered devices simultaneously to complete the request
  • We recommend always performing a test transaction when creating a new vault
    • First, verify that the deposit address displayed is valid by making a test deposit and confirming receipt
    • Finally, ownership of the vault and underlying public addresses should be verified by performing a test withdrawal
  • Create vaults with redundancy of users and their devices in mind to avoid requiring implementation of the disaster recovery process for instances of a single user losing a signing device

Resharing a vault

The reshare process enables you to modify specific vault thresholds, signing power allocation, or signing parties. Any modifications to these parameters require meeting the current approval threshold and participation by all signers of the resulting signing party.

A reshare request can be processed by following:

  1. On the web dashboard, navigate to the "Vaults" section on the left-hand side, then select the relevant vault you want to edit 
  2. Click on the gear icon within the top-right (next to “new transfer” button)
  3. Select “Edit Threshold & Signers”
  4. The following actions are then possible:

    1. Editing the vault threshold

    2. Adding a new user to a signing party
    3. Removing a user from a signing party
    4. Changing an existing user’s signing power
  5. Select “Request reshare” in the bottom right

  6. All signing party members (existing or proposed) will be prompted to approve this reshare via their signing devices. For more information on approving or rejecting a transaction request see here
  7. Once approved, amendment will be updated within the vault settings.

Please note

  • Members of the existing signing party must meet the existing vault threshold to approve a reshare request
  • Completing a reshare request requires all members of the resulting signing party to approve and participate in the reshare signing process
  • A reshare request must be approved and completed within the 10 minute time-out limit