Operational & Technical Support

In this section of the user guide, we will walk you through all aspects of operational and technical support within io.flow. As a direct client, there are seven key activities to take into consideration.

3.1 Support Options

Once you are live on io.flow, we provide the following support services:

1. Hypercare Support -  Lasts two weeks following go-live for all API integrations. There are three options available to choose for support, high level detail below:
    1. Io.Hypercare - Free as standard 
    2. Io.Hypercare+ - $1,000 charge across the two weeks  
    3. Io.Hypercare Pro - $2,500 charge across the four weeks

Standard support areas are as follows:

  • Direct communication between your team and our Delivery Team will help with any questions you may have and make sure you have the support you need to integrate with the APIs.
  • Training / support material provided
2. BAU Support Service - Following the Hypercare period, your company will then transition to be supported by our Customer Service Team. There are three options available to choose as a support service, high level detail below:
    1. Io.Support - Free as standard 
    2. Io.Support+ - $1,000 charge per month 
    3. Io.SupportPro - $2,500 charge per month

Please Note: Full support service details document will be provided during onboarding. 

Once your account has been activated for production, use the designated support communication channels as agreed upon. Any technical support matters should be directed to io.finnet, while all payment-related inquiries are to be addressed to EMI. The following section provides guidelines on when to submit queries to either io.finnet or the EMI.

3.2 Raising an issue or query to io

When you are wanting to raise an issue or query to io as a direct client, please follow the below process;

3.2a Process to raise an issue to io

Process Ref. Process Step
1 Visit our website, click contact us in the top right corner >Help and support
2 Once chosen, click “Submit a request” in the top right corner of the screen
3 Add your name and email address, and select "io.flow" in the "Inquiry type" dropdown
4 Once chosen, complete the rest of the form
5 Once complete, click submit
6 Once submitted, you will receive an acknowledgement confirmation
Please note - Please add as much detail within the message area as possible. This will allow us to diagnose the issue or query within requiring any further information 
Please note - Once we receive the form, we will keep you updated through the process via notification.

3.2b Types of issues to raise to io

Support Category Definition
Balance The account balance does not match the records.
Transaction API call was successful, but the desired functionality did not work.
Billing Challenge the volume or amount invoiced.
Report There is a discrepancy between the volumes and amounts in the records.

Any type of server error response. 

Example Response=5XX  
Other General question

3.3 Reviewing issue / query updates

When you are wanting to review your open or closed tickets, please follow the below process;

Process Ref.  Process Step
1 Visit our support webpage, click 'Go to Customer Portal' in navigation
2 If you're not signed in, please sign up with your full name and company email

Once logged in, you will be able to see the following:

  • Your requests (raised by you)
  • Requests you are CC’d in 
4 To review further ticket information, click onto the ticket to see communications, status, requester, etc.
Please note - The company email you sign up with must be the same as what you logged when raising an issue ticket. If not, you will not see the support tickets.

3.4 Raising query to EMI

When you are wanting to raise an issue or query to the EMI as a direct client, please follow the escalation procedure per EMI shared by your delivery manager.

If you don’t know who your EMI is or what process to follow please contact io.finnet customer office.

Types of issues to escalate for EMI
Support category Definition
Missing transaction A missing transaction with proof of claim
Pending transaction Transaction pending < 24 hrs
Rejected transaction Cancelled by ODFI or RDFI
Refunded transaction Transaction returned by RDFI
Closed account Account non-operational
Suspended account Block on account
Pending account

Pending < 1 week

3.5 Transaction report

At the end of every month you will receive a transaction report. The report will summarize your monthly; volume and transactions.

If you wish to create your own reports, you can leverage our APIs to do so by following the below links;

API Calculation
List Payin Total number transactions * Fee
List Payouts Total number transactions * Fee
Please note - Make sure you use the correct fee for each currency and corridor.

3.6 Support FAQ

For all io.flow FAQ please use the following link - io.flow FAQ’s

3.7 Best Practices

Below are some best practices we strongly recommend when integrating a new EMI;

Business Area Best Practice Detail
Test Transactions

Always perform test transactions when integrating a new EMI

  • Payins, verify you have the correct sending instruction, and send a test deposit. Confirm receipt by using GET/ List Payins by Account
Payouts, create a payout using POST/Payouts. Confirm receipt in the beneficiary account.