Device Questions

What mobile devices can you use for io.vault?

To use the iOSmobile application you will need an iPhone 12 or newer and above the iOS 17 solution. 

Why do I need an Apple iPhone for io.vault?

We have built our security and signing capabilities around Apple's Secure Enclave hardware, which is consistently available across all recent Apple devices, unlike Android. Your iPhone should be running iOS 17 or later.

I have entered my 24 words but cannot confirm them. What should I do?

We have noticed that in some cases, restarting the app can resolve this issue. Before contacting support, please try restarting the app and attempting to confirm your 24 words again. If the problem persists, then reach out to support for further assistance.

A request was not executed and failed. What could be the issue?

There are two main reasons why a request (transaction or reshare) might fail:

Signer Availability: One or more required signers were not online and logged in with their registered devices simultaneously to approve the request. All signers need to be present and logged in at the same time to complete the action.

Time-Out Limit: The request was not approved and completed within the 10-minute time-out limit. Actions must be completed within this time frame to be successfully executed.

What if I lose or change my device?

If a user has lost a signing device or changed their phone (to another eligible device), but utilizes the iCloud syncing feature and possesses the signer passphrase it is possible to simply restore the signer on a new device by downloading the app, logging in, selecting the “restore signer” option and inputting their signer passphrase to decrypt the data on the new device.

Alternatively, If a users’ signing device is lost or misplaced and the user does not know the signer passphrase, so long as there are enough available shares to reach the vault threshold using other devices, then a reshare request can be created to issue new shares to a newly registered signing device;

Finally, If there are not enough shares available or the io.vault service becomes persistently unavailable for any reason, utilizing the offline disaster recovery process will be necessary.

My phone was stolen. What should I do?

If your phone is stolen, immediately contact your colleagues to arrange a reshare request to remove your device from the vault signing party. Use Apple's remote wipe feature to delete sensitive information from your device. Since the vault uses Apple’s Face ID to secure the secret shares on the device, your assets should remain safe. However, it is still best practice to migrate the assets to a newly created vault when possible.

Can I see the location of other people who are signing on the app?

No, you cannot see their location. However, you can see when and by whom a transaction has been submitted and signed.

How long does it take for the transaction to expire?

Transactions will expire after 10 minutes by default. If a transaction hasn't reached the required threshold of approvals within this period, a new request will need to be created from the dashboard.

How long does it take for a transaction to move from signing to broadcast?

Once the approval threshold is reached and the transaction is signed, it is immediately submitted to our network node and broadcast to the network. This can be verified using a third-party network explorer. However, a signed transaction may still fail after being broadcast to the network for various reasons, even if it shows as broadcast on the dashboard. Therefore, it is important to ensure the transaction's completion.

Can I cancel a signature e.g. I made a mistake and did not want to sign?

No, you cannot cancel a signature. It is crucial to review the transaction details carefully before completing the signing process. If you realize you've made an erroneous approval, immediately close the application to prevent your device from signing and contact other members of the vault signing party.

What if I did not save the latest recovery file?

It is essential to maintain an up-to-date encrypted recovery file for your device. If you did not save the latest recovery file, you might encounter difficulties restoring access to your vault and may not be able to recover the secret shares for recently created or updated vaults stored on your device if it is lost or stolen.

Where should I save my recovery file?

You should save your recovery file in a secure, encrypted location. Consider using a trusted cloud storage service with strong encryption, an encrypted external hard drive, or a secure USB drive—anything other than your physical phone. This ensures that in the event of a disaster, the recovery file can be downloaded and restored without needing direct access to your device.