Device Questions

Where can I download the app and access the dashboard?

You can download the app here. Once installed, simply open the app to access the dashboard or login to the web dashboard here. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our customer support team.

What mobile devices can you use for io.vault?​

To use the iOSmobile application you will need an Apple iPhone 11 or later and iOS 15 or later.

Why do I need an Apple iPhone for io.vault?​

We have developed the security and signing capabilities around the Apple secure enclave hardware which can be reliably found across all recent Apple devices, unlike Android. Your iPhone should be on version iOS 15 or later.

What if I change my device? ​

Apple iPhone 11 or later with iOS 15 or later are the only compatible devices at this time. If you change your phone, your vault signing power will not be available on the new device. It will be necessary to go through a re-share process for each vault removing the old device as a signer and adding the new one to the vault signing party.

What if I lose my phone?​

If you lose your phone a vault re-share will be required to set up your new device with the correct secret shares. The old device should be removed as a signer. Note: Never store secret shares on mobile device.

My phone was stolen. What should I do?​

If your phone is stolen, contact your colleagues and arrange a reshare request to remove your device from the vault signing party and use Apple's remote wipe feature to delete the sensitive information from your device. Since the vault uses Apples Face ID to secure the secret shares on the device your assets should remain safe. However, it is still best practice to migrate the assets to a newly created vault when possible.

Can people see me "online" on the app?​

At the moment you can't see when a user is online, however this is a feature that is coming soon.

Can I see other peoples location, who are signing on the app?​

No, however you can see both when and by whom a transaction has been submitted and signed.

How long does it take for the transaction to expire?​

Transactions will expire after 10 minutes by default. If a transaction hasn't reached the threshold of approvals and has been signed successfully after 10 minutes a new request will need to be created from the dashboard.

How long does it take for a transaction to move from signing to broadcast?​

Once the approval threshold has been reached and the transaction has been signed the completed transaction is immediately submitted to our network node and broadcast to the network. This can be verified by viewing a 3rd party network explorer. However, a signed transaction may still fail once broadcast to the network for other reasons, even while displaying broadcast on the dashboard so care should be taken to ensure completion.

Can I cancel a signature e.g. I made a mistake and did not want to sign?​

No, you cannot cancel a signature. You should review the transaction details very carefully before completing the signing process. In the case where you may have made an erroneous approval, immediately close the application (which will prevent your device from signing) and contact any other members of the vault signing party.

Why is the 24-word recovery backup required?

The 24 words are used to encrypt the secret shares (required to sign transactions) secured locally on your iOS device when you export them. If you lose your device and can no longer complete a transaction you will need to retrieve your encrypted shares backup file and use the 24 words to decrypt them in order to not lose access to your assets.

What if I did not save the latest recovery file?​

It is essential to maintain an up-to-date encrypted recovery file for your device. If the file is not up-to-date you may not be able to recover the secret shares for recently created or updated vaults held on your device if it is lost or stolen.

Where should I save my recovery file?​

Please ensure you backup your files to the cloud or secure storage other than the physical phone, to ensure when disaster recovery is needed it can be downloaded and recovered without direct access to your device.